Vision statements and mission statements are both inspiring words chosen by organizations to convey their primary objectives and the direction they are aiming towards. They create these statements to strongly communicate their motives, values, and intentions to let consumers know the quality and purpose of their enterprise. Also, they help drive employees of a company to move towards a common goal of the future, which may increase productivity and quality of work. 

A vision statement addresses an organization’s or a single division within that company’s purposes, long-term objectives, guiding beliefs and values rather than bottom line measures. It communicates a long-term goal and shows where the business wants to work towards in the future. These visions are usually optimistic. It is often referred to a picture of a company in the future and is the framework for the strategic planning. It reveals where they want to go and what they want to build in the long-term. Basically, it articulates the enterprise’s hopes and dreams. It is mainly used for inspiration within the organization as motivation for the employees, as it gives them a common goal of the future, but also lets consumers know about the business’ intentions. 

On the other hand, a mission statement is less abstract and communicates the current position of an organization through stating the purpose of the company and its reason for existence. It should be referred to during any evaluation of strategic decision. Its effectiveness on consumers depend on its content, as it should incorporate socially meaningful criteria using concepts such as ethical position of the enterprise, the target market, products and/or services, the location, expectations of the organization, etc. In short, they provide specific information as to how a business reach their goal. 

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